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What Yoga Classes are about?

Elena Voroz

Updated: Oct 15, 2024

We hold our past in our bodies just as surely as we hold memories of the past in our minds. Often the body is more reliable recorder of the past than our mind as the body is honest!

So, as soon as we are on the yoga mat, and we start practicing we confronted not only by our stiff bodies but by our minds (the system of beliefs and habits). If we don’t rush and focus solemnly on the body but instead listen to the thoughts which arise in response to discomfort we might feel in some postures, and start noticing our initial reactions, then, with time we will learn and get known our patterns. These thinking and reacting patterns created in the past but still holding and catching us here and now and which are bypassing our busy brains in the everyday lives.

In essence, when we do yoga, we are using the body to get through to our mind. With each practice we are learning how to have a happier life, coming to full realisation of the line from Loving Kindness meditation saying,

May I live with the ease that comes from well-being.

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